Not sure which is the right treatment for you. We have broken them down into four key protocols to suit your need.
Wanting to give the gift of health this Christmas? Either to yourself or a loved one? Below you can choose from all of our gift options at Focus Health:
When traditional medicine was not providing me with the answers to why I was not feeling well, I decided to seek help from a non-traditional one. This brought me to Gemma.
I already started feeling better after my first visit. Gemma is very patient, and she uses her talent and skills to identify the cause of my health problems and resolved some long-lasting health issues straight away.
Going to Gemma felt like being on a journey to a better self, where I could see the improvements in all levels of my life.
I would highly recommend Gemma to anyone who is seeking to improve their health.
Elaine Co. Dublin
Gemma is an incredibly gifted practitioner. Work by respected clinicians like Dr Bessel van der Kolk is proof that Western science is discovering what practitioners like Gemma, have known all along: That trauma has a profound impact our brains, bodies, DNA, psyches and energy fields. Gemma’s gift is the skill and ability to help shift and clear trauma blocks in our beings that cannot be resolved by talk therapy alone. I’ve found even just one session with Gemma, lifechanging!
Elzaan Marnane, Clinical Psychologist
When I attended Gemma for treatment I was probably at my lowest ebb. My body was in pain constantly, I was chronically fatigued and had been diagnosed with a variety of medical conditions. I was stressed and not sure she could help me. Boy how wrong was! Gemma was able to tap into trauma that was held in my body for years and help me release it in a very safe and nurturing environment. Her work with me throughout the 5 days attended Focus Health has improved my life drastically. I'm sleeping wonderfully, I'm in a lot less pain, my tummy issues have gone! And I'm much much calmer and less stressed. Gemma herself is so calm and knowledgeable and I felt safe with her immediately. I would highly recommend Focus Health and Gemma for anyone who is ready to make positives changes to their life.
I first sought help from Gemma about five years ago when I was experiencing back pain and she has now become my “go to” person whenever I or my 3 children are in need of healing for all manner of ailments.
She has helped me with all sorts of issues from physical back pain to digestive problems and mental health issues and lots more besides.
My oldest son who was taking a lot of mediation for asthma, is medication and asthma free for the past three yeas after being with Gemma.
My youngest son had a lot going on between reflux, behavioural problems and asthma and he too is off all medication and is doing so much better in every way. She has even helped my daughter with her confidence.
I highly recommend Gemma and have done so to many family members and friends who are now themselves experiencing amazing results in all areas of their health.
I will continue to seek Gemma’s help and guidance whenever my family and I are unwell and needing healing. She has done so much to help my family.
Thank you Gemma!
Niamh Co. Meath.
I have been to Gemma a few times with different health complaints that no doctors were able to help me with. Gemma has been the only one who has helped me and resolved my health issues. She is a lovely, kind and genuine lady, who takes the time to listen to you. I highly recommend her.
Thank you, Gemma for all your help over the years.
B Duggan.
Gemma, I can't thank you enough for working your magic on me and for getting me out of the 'doctor's visit / antibiotic prescription' loop I have been in for years. Your talents are a breath of fresh air and I can vouch for their effectiveness. Not only have you helped me but you've also helped my family and I am very grateful. More reasons to recommend your services!!
Carl T.
After suffering an injury to my back, I was left unable to walk or stand for two days, with pain relief medication having little effect. After one treatment with Gemma, there was a great improvement and I was up and walking around. Gemma uses her skills and knowledge in holistic treatments to not only treat an injury or ailment but through a course of treatments to identify and address the root cause to prevent future issues. It has been three years since I had treatment with Gemma and have not had any problems since. Gemma’s clinic is a calm, welcoming space and Gemma is deeply passionate and professional about what she does. I have no hesitation in recommending her.
Sarah Co Meath.
A friend of mine recommended Gemma to me eight years ago. It is one of my most treasured gifts. Gemma is an ocean of calm. I always leave her feeling relaxed and refreshed. Our family has grown by two since I first met Gemma and she was a wonderful source of energy during both pregnancies. In a busy world time with Gemma is truly valuable.
Miriam Co Meath.
When I first started attending Gemma (Mc Donnell) it was on my sisters recommendation because she had helped both her and her children so much. I was not convinced that it would help me but on my sisters encouragement and gentle push I decided to attend her.
At the time I was completely overwhelmed with everything that was going on on my personal and professional life.
I was a ball of anxiety and was overweight, I was struggling with coping with every aspect of my life . I was constantly craving sugary foods and I was in a constant cycle of trying diets and losing some weight and then beating myself up when I would slip and put the weight back on. I was regularly ill with chest infections and would often have antibiotics every couple of months to address some infection or other. I was struggling with menopause symptoms and my sleep quality was very poor along with bad snoring which would regularly make me up and impact on my sleep quality.
Gemma is a gifted kinesiologist and she worked to bring my body back in balance by working to eliminate the many toxins that were overwhelming my body and also working to support the different systems in the body. At one of our sessions she suggested that I try a program called Cura Romana and I will always be so grateful to her that she did.
There was probably several opportunities at different sessions that Gemma could have suggested the program to me as she has had an amazing journey with the program herself but she waited till she knew I would be open to it. This is testimony to her talent as a kinesiologist and healer.
Had Gemma suggested on another occasion I know I would not have undertaken it..
I was apprehensive about starting the Cura Romana journey and spent a few weeks reading up on it and looking up testimonials from people who had completely it. In the end the decision to start it was down to trusting Gemmas guidance and I have not looked back !
I was very nervous about starting the program but it is structured in such a way that you get daily updates and information and get regular audio messages from Aaron Kenton who runs the program. Aaron’s empathy and kindness from Day 1 of the program made me realise straight away that this was something special. His knowledge on every aspect of food and health was mind blowing and every day I learnt so much about the health of the mind and body , There was also an amazing spiritual journey that really surprised me during the program.
The main reason that I started the Cura Romana journey was to lose weight and i lost 50 lbs in the course of the program which is amazing, I am literally back to the weight I was 20 years ago and the confidence and self esteem that comes with that cannot be fully explained. This has been a phenomenal success for me and I am nearly 6 months on from finishing and still feel amazing.
What I was not expecting with the program was the amazing health benefits that I have gained as a result of completely the program and now putting all I have learned into practise day by day. The biggest factor is my doctors visits and chest infections which have disappeared, I have not been sick or needed to go to the dr for chest infections since I finished the program. I wasn’t expecting the health benefit that has come with the program.
While I obviously still have the same stressors in my life both professionally and privately I am able to cope with the anxiety and stress in a totally different way and that is down to the food I am eating and the health benefits I have achieved as a result of all I have learned.
The other major improvement that I have obtained is in my sleep quality, I do not need as much sleep as I did before my Cura Romana journey and the quality of my sleep has improved significantly. My menopause symptoms have practically gone and my snoring has also really improved. I was not prepared for all of these health improvements when I embarked on the journey and I can definitely say that they actually in many ways outweigh the original objective of the weight loss.
I am not being dramatic by saying that this journey has given me my life back and I will always be grateful to Gemma for setting me on this path and for Aaron for guiding me through it step by step. Thank you both.
Patricia co Meath
My name is John Maree, having suffered years with shoulder pain and having endured countless injections, I was referred to an upper limb specialist in Dublin, he decided he would do keyhole surgery on my left shoulder. That was in 2005, to no avail.
He then did open surgery on it in early 2006. The pain following this was terrible. However, I got a few years tolerating the pain, but in 2008 the pain built up and not only in my left shoulder but now in my right also. The pain was so bad that I thought my arms would fall out of their sockets. I could no longer change the gears in the car and in order to cut anything on my plate I had to stand up as I could not lift my arms up.
I had further scans done and was referred back to the same specialist. After seeing his team, they said I would need a double shoulder replacement.
In the meantime, I was given Gemma’s number and decided I had nothing to lose. I showed her the MRI scans. She said she would know more when she got working on me. She worked on me for approx. 1.5 hours. She showed me how to relax the muscles and gave me exercises to do.
I left Gemma that evening and everything looked so bright. I do not know what happened, but I can only describe it as a miracle. I went to bed that night and slept all night for the first time in over 10 years. I felt as if someone had welded me back together.
I went back to the specialist I had been attending in Dublin, he asked me how I was, and I told him, he just said to come back to see him if the pain came back. That is my story,
I have gotten back a quality of life and also to be able to go to bed and sleep is magic.
Thank you Gemma, Thank you Lord.
Following years of visits to sports physio’s and osteopaths and the added factor of getting older. I had dealt with years of back and hip pain. I was not getting any better, in fact I was getting worse. Two or three times a year my back would go into spasm and I could be flat on my back for a week at a time.
During one of these episodes of my back being in spasm, I was referred to Gemma. After one session my mobility improved and the pain and mobility in my back in the coming days improved.
I continued additional sessions over a number of weeks. During this time Gemma also recommended some supplements, diet changes and encouraged me to deal with stress around work and home life.
Over the past number of years, I have completed some additional sessions with Gemma, and I have not visited a sports physio since my initial visit with her. I have since joined a gym, built up my core strength and over the past few years lost weight, which had also aided my recovery. I continue to visit Gemma periodically and would highly recommend a visit to her to improve any pain management you are dealing with.
I have worked with Gemma McDonnell for over 20 years. Her knowledge combined with her inspiration for what the individual needs is astounding. In my confidence in referring clients to Gemma, I have seen her work , what I call are ‘miracles’ in people’s health again and again, for example, dealing with long term Lime’s disease, ridding the body of stubborn wart viruses to physical skeletal, muscular problems, emotional and mental conditions. The broad spectrum of her knowledge to include allergy testing to nutritional advise to mental and emotional aspects is the wide range that is needed. I attend Gemma myself and have found her to be very professional and ethical in her practice at all times. I cannot recommend Gemma highly enough.
Majella Fagan,
Director of Green Tara Holistic College
My Journey - My Truth
Years of living a life with crippling anxiety, aches & pains, severe fatigue, depression, stress and a diagnosis of Lyme and Hashimoto's, made my life unbearable to live. It got to the point I was just surviving life. I wanted to enjoy my beautiful family but I couldn’t, I was so wrapped up in my own misery and burdens. But you wake up one day and realise enough is enough, I am doing something about this.
On Monday 7th November, I arrived at Focus Health for an intensive 1 week programme with Gemma. From the very beginning, I was treated with the utmost care and respect. With Gemma’s insightful knowledge and expertise in identifying and clearing emotional triggers and stressors, she guided me in deep self reflocusion. Consequently, I became aware of patterns, belief systems, traumas that I created and endured during my life which profoundly impacted my mind, body and spirit in a negative and toxic way. As a result, my body was a host/magnet for toxicity and disease (as I was operating on a low vibration) some examples being Epstein Barr, leaky gut, digestive problems and blood sugar issues.
Gemma’s unique holistic approach through Systematic Kinesiology and energy healing shifted and cleared trauma blocks in my being, coupled with specialised detoxification techniques (O2, Ozone therapies) bio frequency and homeopathy, all supported and amplified my body’s ability to facilitate detoxification, healing and regeneration within my cells. From all of that, Gemma was able to help me realign my mind, body and spirit.
Leaving Focus Health, I embark on a life feeling whole, healthy, happy, strong, energetic and excited.
Gemma, thank you for your patience, words of wisdom, advice and help. I am forever grateful.
Sending you an abundance of love, wealth and happiness.
I first met Gemma in January 2018 when I was suffering with severe back pain. I had trouble on and off with my back since an accident in 2011 despite trying various different treatments. I felt immediate relief from pain on my first visit to Gemma and with another couple of visits I was pain free. Gemma also sorted out digestive problems and other health issues for me that I was not even aware I had. I did not realise how bad I had been feeling until Gemma showed me how possible it was to feel so much better. I would highly recommend her for general health and well-being as well as for specific problems. She has a true gift for healing.
Peter Co Meath.
I was referred to Gemma by a work colleague after having several months of acute pain and very limited mobility due to a spinal injury. I had spent five months regularly attending physio and various consultants to identify the problem and was booked into have a metal plate inserted between the vertebrae in my neck. After just one initial session I felt so much better. The pain was reduced considerably, and my mobility immediately increased. I continued to attend for several more sessions and I ended up totally pain free and mobility returned fully. That was five years ago, and I have never had an issue with my neck since. Yet before, I would have had problems periodically for a few days at a time.
Last year I returned to Gemma to help fight a viral infection. I had been out of work for 7 weeks with a chest and throat infection. I had been regularly attending a GP who placed me on three sets of antibiotics and four courses of steroids but there was no sign of improvement and at one point I was taken to A&E. Since nothing seemed to be working, I made an appointment with Gemma, and the next day I started to feel better and within days I was back working and had made a full recovery.
I can highly recommended Gemma and I would attend a session with her in preference to seeing a GP based on my experiences.
My seven-year-old son had a verruca and it was very painful where it was located on the side of his toe. After speaking with Gemma, she was able to work on this, within days the difference was incredible, no pain and it was noticeably shrinking, after two weeks it turned black and fell off, we were in awe!
I have also gone to see Gemma myself as I was feeling tired and bloated, Gemma’s comprehensive knowledge base is extensive, and she gives you take away techniques to do at home. These were so easy to use and allowed me to see a difference in myself. I would highly recommended Gemma as a Kinesiologist.
Thank you Gemma and Aaron for your support with the "Re-focus" program, it has been the foundation to an overhaul of my life, both physically and emotionally. It was so worthwhile and beneficial to invest in a holistic approach to the many issues I had going on, and tackle them in one swoop. While I know my journey has only started, I am well on my way and fully focused on recovering. This program has given me the start I needed and the tools to progress further. I have a better approach to thinking and working through stress. The Cura Romana program did so much for my mind and body, and the weight loss was an added bonus.
Gemma is extremely gifted at reading the body in a holistic way. In my sessions with Gemma, I felt that the physical, mental, emotional and bio-chemical aspects of my being were being acknowledged and taken care of. Memories from years back, emotional build up, external stressors, stomach cramps, fatigue……..would I ever of thought they were related?!....Of course they were. They are a chronological sequence of realities that was the story of my life for a decade before I met Gemma. With a deep understanding of the messages that my body was sending, Gemma was able to rebalance all the systems of my body and helped me with everything from dealing with long pending bereavement issues to higher energy levels and everything in between.
Gemma showed genuine and kind compassion during my sessions with her. I highly commend her professionalism.
During Cura Romana, my sleep was incredible. I fell into a beautiful childlike sleep every night. There is nothing in my opinion better than a peaceful deep sleep and to awaken feeling energised and just jumping out of the bed refreshed for the day ahead. My energy was great. Before Cura Romana I was coming from a place of depleted energy. With Cura Romana I was receiving this long-lasting energy for the complete day… No more tiredness. I had not felt this feeling of constant energy in such a long time. My mood had changed drastically with Cura Romana, I was no longer snapping or easily irritated. I felt calm and able to handle almost anything that came my way. It felt like a weight had been lifted.
Through Cura Romana I discovered Gemma Mc Donnell, a Kinesiologist. I did not even know what Kinesiology was before meeting Gemma. I went to Gemma with a cough I had for over two and a half years. I had gone to my doctor, to hospital, to consultants, done test after test and the medical community were at a loss with this cough. The cough had affected my voice badly too. Gemma, with her various ways of testing me, discovered, and cleared me of fungal infection, parasites, leaky gut and my digestive problems. All of which were connected to my long-standing cough. In that first session Gemma worked on me and rebalanced many things she found to be affecting me. I took all of Gemma’s advice and some homeopathic remedies she recommended. By my second visit, my cough was almost gone. I could not believe the difference in such a short period of time. I cannot thank Gemma and Kinesiology enough for her treatment.
Beryl Co. Cavan
I had terrible migraine headaches that were impacting very negatively on the quality of my life. Every day I was having some form of headache and I was struggling to get through my work and day to day activities. My neurologist had tried several medications without success. I had to stop because of so many adverse reactions. I was on the floor.
A friend recommended Gemma to me. At the time, I was also on high tech drugs to treat Rheumatoid arthritis which required regular monitoring of bloods. Some side effects of this medication included migraine and raised liver enzymes. Gemma put me on a treatment of natural supplements to detoxify the liver.
Subsequently, when I got my bloods done my liver enzymes were normal, which to me was incredible. The phlebotomist was also amazed. My liver enzymes have been normal ever since. I noticed that the migraine headaches became less frequent and the daily headaches vanished. My energy levels lifted and life became much easier. Gemma’s treatment effectively picked me up off the floor. I am forever grateful for all her help. Gemma has been a life saver. Thank you so much Gemma for everything.
Rebecca C.
For two years I had been struggling with weight that I had not really struggled with before in my life. I had a small baby and thought this was what was supposed to happen because of being so busy, working and having no time to look after myself. Before I knew it, 2 stone had crept up on my body.
I passively put it down to reaching middle age. I further contributed the weight gain to the many life stresses I was experiencing, hormones and having no time to care for myself. My energy levels were at an all time low. I was only managing to sleep a couple of hours at night. I was constantly moody, on edge and down on myself. I was making extremely poor food choices, with absolutely no thought about their effects on me.
I was able for nothing but to sit on the couch. I grew increasingly depressed about how I looked. My mood was exceptionally low, and I could not see anything positive about my situation. I resigned myself to a future of additional weight and ill health.
I reached a point where I had enough. I began attending some Kinesiology sessions with Gemma. After a thorough chat, Gemma began testing. She found several aspects needing attention. My digestive system was completely out of balance, my gut was leaking. My gallbladder and thyroid were completely out of balance and my adrenals indicated I was completely stressed out. I was indeed totally exhausted, and things needed to change.
Gemma discussed all her findings with me and explained she was going to do some techniques to help bring my body back into balance. She also recommended some homeopathic remedies for me to take.
It was during this conversation with her that she told me about Cura Romana. What a blessing. It was then and there I decided to give the programme a go.
As a result of following the recommendations of the programme and making serious changes to my diet, overall nutrition and lifestyle that things suddenly and very positively made a life altering shift for me. I can honestly say that Cura Romana and Gemma have had life altering changes for me on more than one level.
I was sceptical the changes would work to begin with but now I can honestly say these changes have been the best thing to happen to me on so many levels.
I implemented the guidance I was given both from Gemma and Kinesiology and from Aaron with Cura Romana. Within no time, I saw effective changes take place in my body and mind. I can honestly say I have never felt better in my whole life. For the first time in six years I have rid myself of a foggy tired mind. I lost 1.5 stone and my energy levels soared. I no longer suffer physical pains which I woke up with every morning in my shoulders, back and feet. I am sleeping better than ever. I feel more connected in my mind, body and spirit. I feel alive, I feel me again. Who could ask for anything more? I highly recommend Cura Romana and Gemma to anyone who is willing to give it a go.
Niamh, Co Meath.
My journey to wellness...
I was told I had Lyme disease over 2years ago after feeling really unwell for months prior. Honestly, when I look back there were many periods in my life where I can say now, the symptoms of Lyme raged through my body and stopped me in my tracks, this time however it was relentless. I was barely able to walk across the bedroom floor in the morning, the pains in my feet and hips were so bad. At night I barely got two to three hours of straight sleep with the pain and restlessness. I woke with nausea and headaches every morning and a constant aching in my chest and sternum. Pain and discomfort travelled to different areas of my body different days. I gained weight even though I was barely eating. I was sweating profusely and breathless doing the smallest of tasks. I had swelling, inflammation, muscle twitching and spasms all over my body. This had completely changed me in every way from my appearance, to my capabilities. I struggled to function, to think, and to complete simple, everyday tasks. I was no longer able to tolerate noise or stress. Constant brain fog meant I couldn't make clear decisions or do the things I loved and after trying many different approaches to find relief, nothing seemed to ease the pain, fatigue and ill health I felt in my entire body.
I was rushed in to hospital one morning with terrible pains in my abdomen my bloods and inflammatory markers were through the roof and my appendix was quickly removed. I developed sepsis and remained in hospital for a week on intravenous antibiotics. It took my body weeks to recover from this small surgery and my Lyme symptoms escalated by the day. At this stage I could only describe the feeling in my body as a constant clutching of every tissue tightening around my skeleton. Nothing was helping and I started to feel that there was no way to fight this.
Then one synchronicity after another I found myself speaking to two amazing people, and very soon after, found myself in Navan at Focus Health. I spent 6 days receiving intensive care and treatment. This was completely different to anything I had experienced. The level of care and compassion coupled with knowledge and understanding of not only my symptoms but also looking at why I might be experiencing them in the first place. Each session was tailored using kinesiology to determine my body's specific needs that day. I had daily sessions on the Sanza, Hocatt and Hugo combined with quality supplements to support my body's healing and facilitate detoxification and regeneration within my cells. I was cared for on every level in a way in which I had never experienced before. I felt better after day one and by day four I was bouncing out of bed as if someone had given me two new hips and a pair of new feet. I actually walked around the hill of Tara for an hour and a half with no pain and little breathlessness on day five. By day six I was driving home feeling like I hadn't felt in years with supplements and a protocol to follow. The areas in my body that were constantly painful, my chest, hips and feet now only had a very mild tenderness. I felt like my body was finally in recovery. It was a challenging week in many ways as I worked through my life to this point and began to see how subconsciously, things I thought I had dealt with, were trapped in my body causing distress on so many levels. However, each day when I stepped off the bed or out of the Hocatt I began to feel more alive and free to move my body with ease.
My body was degenerating due to high levels of stress and toxic load. Using specific bio-frequencies, O2 and ozone therapy, quality nutritional supplements, the reset button had been pressed and I was back in my bodies natural state of healing and repair. I was treated by an amazing practitioner, Gemma Mc Donnell, who held my body with the utmost of care, she worked tirelessly through every aspect of my symptoms and the imbalances within my body that compromised it's functioning. There was no part of me left uncared for, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Gemma helped me to understand my story and how it had imprinted on my body. She brought the return of hope and joy into my life and I will forever be filled with gratitude.
At the end of the six days, Gemma introduced me to the Cura Romana programme and Aaron Kenton. This has been another profound step towards my continued health and wellbeing. Aaron, like Gemma, has an astounding knowledge coupled with genuine, dedicated care and intuition. Each day under his mentorship I have continued to heal, not only in body but in my connection to it. My body is pain-free, full of vitality, I'm sleeping all night, my mind is clear and sharp, my heart is no longer burdened with discomfort, my spirit feels light and free. I find myself smiling, a huge uncontrollable smile that stems from the feeling of joy deep inside of me.
This has not only improved my life but has removed the worry and stress that my family were carrying from watching me struggle everyday.
I've always known the abilities of the human body are amazing. Within us lies a terrain that can restore and regenerate if we are willing to care for it. Afford yourself the care you would give to your child or your best friend. Most importantly, no matter the circumstances you find yourself in,
Never Lose Hope.
Hope is what will keep your mind searching for wellness, your heart open to accept it and your body ready to receive it. That message will travel both inward to every cell in your body and outward into the universe.
Hope is what I call the "Wings of Wellness", carrying you when needed until you become strong enough to fly.
There will never be enough thank yous, Stephen at Proactive Healthcare for your kindness in opening the door for me to embark on this journey and never enough thank yous for Gemma at Focus Health who greeted my arrival with the most open and caring heart I have ever come across. I can't speak highly enough of your wisdom, knowledge and dedication to your work.
I pray your journeys are filled with the love and care you both so graciously afford to others x
My daughter has been plagued with recurring throat infections since she was a baby, throughout her teenage years and even now as a young adult. It has been getting worse over the years and she has been hospitalised a couple of times over the past 3 years. I despaired for her future. She was sick for 7 days every month and on a dose of antibiotics each time. As a result, her immune system was extremely low. Gemma came highly recommended & I bless the day that we found her. In a few sessions, Gemma achieved what no doctor could. It has been 5 months since my daughter's last infection & she is still keeping well. I can hardly believe it. Gemma is a genius! She doesn't just look at the symptoms, but gets right to the source. This is truly lacking in our health system these days. Gemma, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so so much!
S. Khan.
Gemma turned my baby around in the womb, I was six months pregnant and getting terrible, painful kicks in the lower part of my abdomen. The baby was breech. Gemma noticed my pain and offered to turn the baby. To my amazement she was able to do this even though she didn’t touch me. After about 30 mins she asked me to go for a walk to loosen things out and allow my baby the room to move. She said there was something blocking my baby from moving freely around, possibly from my previous pregnancy, and she was able to release that blockage. That night I felt the baby take an obvious turn, and over the next couple of days I noticed a big change in the shape of my bump. The pain and kicks eased. I had a scan a few days later and the baby’s head was down, the baby had turned!
Gemma is truly amazing and so professional in all she does. As a sceptical person this was definitely the proof I needed before I could believe. There is no point suffering through pain when Gemma can release it so effectively and without discomfort. I highly recommend Gemma to anyone I meet,
Thank you, Gemma
Having lost all of my hair for the 2nd time in my life, I knew something had to change because the way I was living was suffocating and I didn’t have the tools to change it, I needed guidance. I wanted to be able to live my life fully with true feeling. Years of alopecia, thyroid issues, inflammation, skin issues, it was just a vicious circle of one thing leading to another.
I knew someone who had completed the program and she found it life changing and it really showed. I knew that I needed to do it so I signed up for the Refocus program.
I had daily sessions on the Hocatt, Hugo, Pemf and Infrared Sauna, to aid detoxification and then one on one sessions with Gemma. Gemma guided me to identify emotional blocks and triggers I had and also spiritual blocks. This lead me to realise how everything in my life was connected and how I was operating in toxic energy without even understanding why, I was finally aware.
Gemma is a gifted Kinesiologist and has incredible healing abilities to clear spiritual and trauma blocks that could never be cleared by talking alone.
I feel like I honestly have been reborn, that I am conscious for the first time in my life. My awareness has literally exploded and I am so grateful for that.
I am looking forward to a future with loads of possibility and choices. That I can finally live in my truth.
Our wellness centre is equiped with state of the art equipment to support and restore health whatever issue your currently facing. You can learn more about our equipment below: